Flagstaff Festival of Science — Breaking! Match gift on Giving Tuesday (Nov. 29) doubles your impact!!

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A Matching Donation Strengthens Your Impact!

The Flagstaff Festival of Science needs your help to give kids the opportunity to find their moment of inspiration! That inspiration could be a pathway to their future career and the Festival is making those connections happen — but we need your help to reach our funding goal!

In our program connecting science professionals with classrooms, students are exposed to a plethora of topics including geology, engineering, biology, archaeology and more! Throughout the fall semester, we match scientists with classrooms in northern Arizona and kids get the chance to learn about STEM careers.

This year, nearly 5,000 kids in northern Arizona classrooms will get a chance to enjoy and get inspired by STEM. They hear about how fun STEM can be and most importantly, they can picture themselves as a scientist when they grow up.

Right now we have a match pledged! Dollar for dollar, your donation gets matched up to $1000! In other words, if you give on Giving Tuesday, your donation is doubled! This is huge and really helps us reach our goal of $5000.

Giving Tuesday is a great way to get involved with the Festival, inspire a child and keep your philanthropic dollars in our community. Our goal must be met by December 2.

Please help us reach our goal on Giving Tuesday!