Inter-Tribal, African American and Coconino Hispanic Advisory Councils Seek Members. Next joint meeting is Feb. 3

Coconino-County-300x79FLAGSTAFF —The public is invited to a meeting at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 3 to learn more about serving on the County’s three diversity councils. The councils invite individuals from all backgrounds to attend a meeting and/or apply to be a member.

WHAT: The public is invited to a meeting February 3 to learn more about serving on the County’s three diversity councils. The councils invite individuals from all backgrounds to attend a meeting and/or apply to be a member.

Established in 2001 by the Coconino County Board of Supervisors, the Inter-Tribal Advisory Council (ITAC), the African American Advisory Council (AAAC), and the Coconino Hispanic Advisory Council (CHAC) act as official liaisons and communication links between their respective constituents and the County. The Councils each consist of up to 15 volunteer members and meet on a monthly basis. Membership and meetings are open to the public. (Members who live out of town can attend the meetings by phone or video conference.)

WHEN: The three councils will hold a joint meeting at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 3, 2016

WHERE: Coconino County Administration Building, 219 E. Cherry Ave; first floor meeting room.

MORE INFO: AAAC: Lindsay Daley – or call (928) 679-7163
CHAC: Theresa Thomas – or call (928) 679-7162
ITAC: Susie Garretson – or call (928) 679-7164
TO APPLY: Visit ; Click on the “Government” and “Boards and Commissions”


The Coconino Hispanic Advisory Council listens to concerns from members of the Hispanic/Latino community in Coconino County during its monthly meetings, votes to take action or produces letters of support or concern on issues affecting the community, provides financial support to ongoing Hispanic/Latino cultural programs, provides input during the Coconino County department head job hiring process, presents information on the CHAC council at various community events, presents the annual César Chávez recognition breakfast during the spring and the College and Career Information Fair during the fall.

Once a year, ITAC organizes a yearly community forum. Past topics include health services and providers, balancing our identities, embracing diversity, understanding Native American ceremonial practices, and celebrating our accomplishments. ITAC also offered comments to the Community Development department regarding the recent updating of the County’s Comprehensive Plan. ITAC has invited the Board of Supervisors to provide updates as well as other County department representatives regarding services, programs, and recommendations that impact diverse communities. Community representatives give presentations on their programs that affect the Native American community.

The Coconino African American Advisory Council provides an official communication link between the African American community and Coconino County. AAAC reviews and makes recommendations in regard to legislation and County policies and promotes African American cultural arts and historic activities and events. The AAAC has organized Black History month essay contests in partnership with our public schools, presented Gospel Festivals for the community, facilitated community information fairs and provided feedback to the County on several issues. In recent years the Council’s biggest effort has been planning the community’s Juneteenth event to celebrate African American freedom and achievement. The AAAC is interested in conducting forums to gather information on the concerns and issues affecting African American citizens. In addition, the goal is to engage the community affecting change in those areas of concern.