Sedona Arts Center — Upcoming workshops at Sedona Arts Center!

Sedona Arts Center’s Online Learning
Online learning opportunities are perfect for students who are interested in taking one of our educational opportunities, but prefer to work at home. These learning opportunities provide a well-rounded experience in various visual art mediums.

Our workshops are live online learning experiences with one-on-one interaction between student and instructor. Click here to see all our online learning opportunities

Painting For All Levels
An Online Workshop with Gretchen Lopez
October 8, 2021
From the beginning to the experienced student, this one-day class in oil or acrylic will guide and teach students how to approach the painting process with confidence, while exploring the basics of value-pattern, composition and color. Students may work from life and/or photos. Instructor demonstrations and lots of individual attention provided.

This class also takes place on: December 3

In-Person LearningSedona is surrounded by a magical landscape of red rock formations and high desert hills with beautiful Oak Creek meandering through it all. Come experience the Shangri-La of the Southwest, a beautiful learning environment with Art Colony roots going back nearly 100 years.

Workshops at the Sedona Arts Center offer an intensive experience that will provide inspiration and information to distill and practice for months and even years afterwards. A wide variety of disciplines and mediums are offered with a special focus on studio and plein air landscape painting, mixed media and  abstraction. Workshops are appropriate for all levels of students and are presented through demonstrations, individual instruction and group presentation. Instructors are experts in their field – experienced teachers with national recognition.

Click here to browse all our in-person workshops

In-Person & Online with Kelli Klymenko
November 20, 2021
In today’s technological world, even professional photographers and artists are recognizing the iPhone as a useful (and even practical) photographic tool. Join photographer artist, Kelli Klymenko in his one-day class for beginner and advanced students and you’ll go beyond the basics and learn to shoot professional quality photographs with your iPhone.

You will learn how to shoot, edit and share remarkable landscapes, portraits and the macro world around you using only your iPhone. Kelli will guide you through simple tips and tricks that will take your photography to the next level. Discover how to capture the essence of a place and your subjects rather than just taking a picture. You will also learn basic video and video editing techniques for use with apps such as Facebook and Instagram.

This is a HYBRID class
In-Person at Sedona Arts Center AND streaming Online.

To attend this class in-person at Sedona Arts Center – click here.
To sign up for this class ONLINE via ZOOM – click here.

Ceramics For All Levels
with Dennis Ott
6-Week Classes Starting October 4, 2021

The Sedona Arts Center’s ceramic department operates free from the constraints of grades and benefits from the talents of its ceramic faculty and assistants as well as nationally recognized guest instructors. This combination allows our department to offer flexible and diverse programming in both traditional and contemporary techniques.

Through demonstration and one-on-one instruction, students will learn to throw a variety of forms on the potter’s wheel or techniques to create hand-built works. Slab roller, extruder and forms are also available to create functional and decorative pieces. Tuition includes the first 25-pound bag of clay, firings and glazes, and one open studio session per week.

October 4 – November 8, 2021 (Advanced Only)
October 5 – November 9, 2021 (All Levels)
October 6 – November 10, 2021 (All Levels)

Ceramics – Hand Building
with Neil Kennedy
October 5 – November 9, 2021
Come play in the clay! Tap into your creative self and experience various hand-building techniques. Make bowls, boxes, sculptures, and tiles, using slabs, molds, and textures. The possibilities are endless. Open to all levels, beginners welcome!

The Sedona Arts Center’s ceramic department operates free from the constraints of grades and benefits from the talents of its ceramic faculty and assistants as well as nationally recognized guest instructors. This combination allows our department to offer flexible and diverse programming in both traditional and contemporary techniques.

Abstract/Figurative 3-Day Workshop
with Robert Burridge
October 5 – 7 2021
This workshop pushes you out of your safe zone and into a brand new, looser, abstract direction drawing, painting and collaging the contemporary nude. You will learn expressive painting techniques for the modern painter. If you ever wanted to learn how to paint the freestyle abstract figure, this workshop is for you. Color is explained and explored. You will learn the 12 Design Compositions for a successful painting. Your “drawing the nude” skills are not a prerequisite.

Classes will include a variety of poses with the nude, draped and partially draped model, lots of paint sketching, gestural drawing and finger painting techniques. Be prepared to paint looser, bolder, freer, lighter and more intuitively. Plenty of time for action-filled painting exercises, demos and personalized attention. All water soluble paints are welcomed. Materials list provided. No photography, please. Handouts provided.

Zen Creativity: A Brush with Emptiness
with Alok Hsu Kwang-han
October 9 – 10, 2021
Whether you are a beginner, a return student, or an accomplished artist, in this workshop you will have many fresh opportunities to let go of the past– what you already know, the accomplished level you are caught in and perhaps bored with, or the fear whether you can “do” it. And to welcome in each Zen moment, an intelligence prior to thought with all its schemes and maneuvers. Alok will inspire, surprise, and guide you to be rooted and move from your energy body, to rest in the spaciousness of your being, to become comfortable and intimate with the power of not-knowing, and to allow your brush—or you—to dance from emptiness.

Alok may ask you to paint the energy of music, a Rumi poem, the sound of silence, your heart’s desire, or when Master Zhaozhou was asked, “When great calamity arrives, how shall we respond?” he said, “Welcome!” No prior experience with painting or Zen is necessary. We paint with the joyful “discipline” of being “present, available, playful and not-knowing.” Something is transformed in us, at the same time manifested through our brush. At some point during the workshop you will come to realize, “Oh, I am the art!”

Plein Air Painting at Tlaquepaque
with Gretchen Lopez
October 14 – 15, 2021
Experience the beauty and history of Sedona at the Tlaquepaque Arts & Shopping Village. From the wonderful Spanish Colonial Architecture to lovely vignettes, we will learn to find the focal point using composition, contrast and a limited palette to paint an impression of what we see! The students will be able to take their oil or acrylic studies and create finished paintings in their studios!

Only basic materials required with your own plein air painting set-up.

Monoprint | Collage | Painting
with Jane Davies
October 15 – 18 2021
Discover a whole new world of artistic possibility when you combine collage and paint with monoprinting techniques. First, we will layer colors, patterns, and textures with the gel plate (synthetic gelatin printing plate, available from various manufacturers) creating gorgeously printed collage papers. Then we combine them with painting, drawing, and layering to build images directly on a heavy paper substrate. We will be working in series, which allows fluidity of process, focus, and momentum in your work. Let the boundaries between painting, monoprinting, and collage disappear as you explore this exciting means of creative expression.
Paper Paintings: Fashion Plate Portraits
with Elizabeth St Hilaire
October 19 – 21, 2021
Learn to collage fashion plate portraits in a variety of mixed media. Create your own hand-painted collage papers. Experiment with hand-painting, gel printing, stamping, and patterning paper through a multitude of techniques. Rip and glue and apply your papers in a painterly manner over the top of a female portrait made with charcoal drawing and painting. Classroom lecture and demos will be incorporated for all steps of the process.During this comprehensive 3-day workshop you will learn a unique figurative mixed media collage technique.  Emphasis will be on defining form using light and shadow, and treating every torn tidbit of paper as a brush stroke.  Students will create impressionistic collages that look like paintings.

This class is focused on learning and growing creatively in a FUN environment.
No prior collage experience is necessary.  Some painting experience is helpful, however all levels are welcome.

Success with Plein Air Painting
with Krystal W. Brown
October 31 – November 2, 2021
Paint in oil or acrylic.  You will see Krystal’s process as she demonstrates the first morning and she will be right beside you as you apply what you’ve learned in the afternoon. You will paint better, express your vision more successfully and have a great time going through the process together. Helping you create your art is something Krystal loves to do by teaching techniques that will allow you to paint your view and add your voice. In the creation of your art, you are enriched and in the sharing of your art you enrich others.
Capturing The Light
with Manon Sander
October 31 – November 2, 2021
Learn Manon’s secrets about how to make a luminous, light-filled painting by implementing a technique that will take all randomness out of your decision making as you build your painting. Making a painting consists of intentional choices in regards to composition, design, value, color, edges, etc. Being a strong proponent of making these choices intentionally rather than in a random, trial-and-error way, Manon gives her students the reasons behind every step. This workshop will include demos during which she will inject valuable lessons about design and how to simplify a scene and will focus heavily on how to see value and color, how to mix color using the four questions that make color mixing so much easier, how to avoid muddy or chalky colors, and how to use edges to lead the eye through the painting. You will have lots of fun and plenty of time at your own easel in the comfort of the studio during which Manon will be by your side guiding you through your painting.
Scholarships at Sedona Arts Center
Scholarship awards will pay 50% towards any Class or Workshop tuition. Scholarships are not available for international Field Expeditions or Painting in the Grand Canyon. The Sedona Arts Center awards scholarships to students only when funds are available.
Life Drawing with Pash
Stay creative and connected through live-streamed, online life drawing with Pash!
MONDAY Short Pose Life Drawing – 10am-1pm AZ TIME – $15
This group starts with three, 30-second, 1-minute, and 2-minute, & two 5-minute gestures. It is followed by two 20-minute poses, then gets broken up with five 2-minute gestures. We carry on with 20 minute poses to the end. There are 5-minute breaks after each set.

TUESDAY Life-Dance Drawing – 12:30pm-2:30pm AZ TIME – $12
This session begins with 6-minutes of slow dance/movement, followed by 6-minute poses, then another 6-minutes of dance, followed by another pose, etc., for the duration. There are no breaks during this fast-paced session, which forces you to get out of your head & into the rhythm of the line. It is a great group for helping to loosen up your drawing skills. My background in alternative dance & expressive movement forms including 5-Rhythms, Butoh, & Contact Improvisation inform the dance & movement style.

FRIDAY Long Pose Life Drawing – 10am-1pm AZ TIME – $15
This group sometimes starts with five 2-minute gestures, & sometimes doesn’t, depending on the pose & what participants want. It is composed of one pose for the entire time, broken into 20-minute segments followed by 5-minute breaks. Attendee suggestions for poses are always welcome.

Call or email for more information, (928) 284-4021, info@artofpash, or see

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