U.S. Rep. Tom O’Halleran update for Jan. 31 — The shutdown cost our nation how much?

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United States Congressman Tom O'Halleran, Representing the first District of Arizona

Dear Friend,

Last week, before the reckless 35-day government shutdown ended, I wanted to get a full picture of how it was affecting our nation. I requested a report from the independent Congressional Budget Office on what this shutdown was costing.

The report was eye-opening. We lost $11 billion, and there are billions of dollars we will never be able to earn back.

Here are the headlines:

The government shutdown cost the economy $11 billion, including a permanent $3 billion loss (CNBC)

Shutdown cost the U.S. $3 billion that won’t be recovered, CBO says (Politico)

Government shutdown cost economy $11 billion, budget office says (NBC News)

US shutdown cost $3bn, says CBO (BBC News)

This shutdown has damaged our economy and put the livelihood of millions of Americans at risk, and there is a chance that the government will be shut down again in a few weeks. We should never hold the economic security of our nation or the American people hostage over policy disagreements. That is not how governing works.

I am ready to sit down and get to work on bipartisan legislation to address border security and immigration reform.

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Tom O’Halleran