Aug. 14 — Northern Arizona Region Re-Employment Center Grand Opening

PAGE — Coconino County Health and Human Services (CCHHS) Career Services, in partnership with the Salt River Project, the Navajo Generating Station (NGS) PERA Club and other community organizations, will provide re-employment services at the Northern Arizona Region Re-Employment Center.

The center will host a Grand Opening event at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 14 inside the NGS PERA Club 445 Haul Rd Page, Ariz. Speakers will include Chair of the Coconino County Board of Supervisors Lena Fowler, Congressman Tom O’Halleran, Page Mayor Levi Tappan and other distinguished guests.

“The County has worked tirelessly with local, state and federal stakeholders to find ways to enhance our economic diversity and to keep families in northern Arizona after the NGS closure,” said Coconino County Board of Supervisors Chair Lena Fowler. “The creation of the Northern Arizona Region Re-Employment Center will help our neighbors navigate this challenge and stay in the area.”

At the opening, people can learn about the center’s re-employment services, career training and certification programs. They can also improve their resume, find additional educational opportunities and learn about potential internships and on-the-job training opportunities.

CCHHS Career Services offers support to job seekers including vocational and on the job training and education, career guidance and assessment, resume help, job search workshops, interview workshops and skills assessments to individuals across the County.

For more information, contact CCHHS Career Services at 877-358-6714 or 928- 679-7400 or email or visit