Coconino County: ASHLine tops list of best ways to quit tobacco in 2017

Many residents of Coconino County welcomed the new year by taking a vow to start living a healthier lifestyle and quit smoking tobacco.

The Coconino County Public Health Services District (CCPHSD) and the Arizona Department of Health Services are teaming together to help provide smokers the tools needed to successfully kick the habit.

For many Arizonans, success in quitting tobacco is achieved with help from professional coaches at the Arizona Smokers Helpline (ASHLine).

The ASHLine provides free coaching that is tailored to each individual. Since many ASHLine coaches are former tobacco users themselves, they can provide the support and help proven to help people succeed. Help is available by calling the ASHLine at 800-556 -6222 or the CCPHSD Tobacco and Chronic Disease Prevention Program at 928-679-7266.

According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), seven out of 10 people who smoke want to quit, but it can often take several attempts to be successful. However, soon after a smoker stops smoking, lung function increases up to 30 percent within three months, circulation improves and testosterone levels (reduced by tobacco use) increase.

These other tactics have also been found to be helpful for those who wish to quit:

  • Make a list of the reasons for quitting such as wanting more energy, improving your health and committing to saving the money spent on cigarettes.
  • Enlist the support of family and friends.
  • Create a plan to deal with cravings and triggers.
  • Avoid secondhand smoke.
  • Promise yourself to try again should you slip up.
    More information can also be found at