District 2 Supervisor Liz Archuleta named County Board Chair

Courtesy photo.

COCONINO COUNTY — The Coconino County Board of Supervisors named District 2 Supervisor Liz Archuleta as Chair of the Board during the regular meeting March 24.

She replaces District 5 Supervisor Lena Fowler.

Supervisor Archuleta will serve as Chair for the rest of the calendar year.

“Supervisor Fowler’s leadership as chair during this unprecedented time has been stellar,” said Chair Archuleta. “While the County, state and country are facing enormous challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I have full confidence that our community and our resilient county residents will prevail. I look forward to working with my fellow Board members, county elected officials, county management and staff to manage during these difficult times.”

District 5 Supervisor Lena Fowler served as Chair since June of 2019 and was also named Vice-Chair.

“I have been honored to serve as Chair of the Board for the past nine months,” said outgoing Chair Lena Fowler. “The County experienced the Museum Fire at the start of my term in July and I will close my term with one of the largest health crises the nation has ever faced. While we have faced many challenges, my fellow colleagues on the board and the amazing team at the County have stepped up and worked hard to help keep the people of Coconino County safe. I look forward to supporting Chair Archuleta as the Vice-Chair as we navigate these difficult times.”