Flagstaff Festival of Science 2022 — Local Science Spotlight: Lindsay Hansen on Fish Ecology in the Grand Canyon

Lindsay, holding one of the many fish that she has caught and tagged. Courtesy photo.

by Communications Intern, Kayla Blair

Lindsay Hansen is a fish ecologist focusing on the ecosystems of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. She specifically studies the flannelmouth sucker, humpback chub, and bluehead sucker populations, and tags the fish to gain an understanding of how the fish’s growth is impacted by the river ecosystem. After she tags them in the field, she works on analyzing and interpreting the data that was collected and comparing it to previous data. Lindsay hopes that her work will help educate the people of Northern Arizona about their aquatic neighbors, to create a sense of stewardship for the unique ecosystem of the Colorado River.

Lindsay received her Bachelor’s Degree at UC Berkeley in Conservation Studies with a minor in Fine Art. She then went to Miami University in Ohio for a Master’s Degree in Biology and Northern Arizona University for a Master’s Degree in Environmental Science.

Read the Full Interview

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