Flagstaff Festival of Science Special Event: Lunar Legacy July Lecture (July 10th)

Lunar Legacy Calendar
Video: Moon Mapping Lecture 
Gene Shoemaker and Flagstaff in History
Rich Kozak, Historian
July 10th, 6:00 pm
Coconino Community College, Lone Tree Campus
Flagstaff is known around the world as the ‘home of astrogeology’, and its name is forever linked to mankind’s first explorations beyond Earth. Yet even most Flagstaff residents are only dimly aware of this fascinating history, or how Eugene Shoemaker fought the scientific and bureaucratic establishments to create a new science that made Flagstaff a “magic name” (in the words of Arthur C. Clarke).

Just 10 days before we celebrate the Apollo 11 50th anniversary, retired geologist from the USGS and historian, Rich Kozak, discusses how this “legendary” scientist, who came be the thirteenth man on the Moon, spread Flagstaff’s legacy all over the solar system, and whose vision may ultimately protect Earth.

Facebook Event

The 2018 SCI Talks are now online! Visit our YouTube page to watch videos from the past four years of SCI Talks. This past year featured Rob Kellar presenting on regenerative medicine, TJ Janecek sharing his story of building a technology company in Flagstaff, Billy Cordasco exploring the intersection of art and scientific study at Babbitt Ranches and Emma Wharton recounting the building of grit in teenagers on the Colorado River with Grand Canyon Youth. All talks are approximately 20 minutes or less and given by local Flagstaff scientists, engineers, educators and artists.

Add to Flagstaff’s Lunar Legacy

Contact the Festival of Science: info@scifest.org

Do you have a personal story to share about the lunar missions and Northern Arizona? We would love to add your voice to our oral history of Flagstaff’s unique relationship with the early space pioneers.

Lunar Legacy Lecture Series

6 PM, 2nd Wednesday of Every Month
Coconino Community College Lone Tree Campus

The Flagstaff Festival of Science proudly presents:
The Lunar Legacy Lecture Series!

This FREE 18-month speaker series celebrates the Apollo Moon Missions and Flagstaff’s Critical role in these historic lunar landings. Parking is FREE for this series.

All Flagstaff Festival of Science activities are free thanks to the hosting organizations, presenters and our generous supporters!
The Flagstaff Festival of Science is made possible through the generous support of businesses, organizations, foundations and individuals. Major sponsors include W. L. Gore & Associates, City of Flagstaff/BBB Revenues, Flagstaff Arts Council, Northern Arizona University, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona, Arizona Community Foundation of Flagstaff, Science Sandbox, Wells Fargo and Peaks Audio Productions.