NAU update for June 8

President Cheng President Cheng highlights NAU’s efforts in reducing degree gap in remarks to Phoenix-area civic leaders 
The president discussed online programs, the Phoenix Biomedical Campus and partnerships with community colleges in Maricopa County.
Mars Rover Life on Mars? NAU astronomy professor discusses NASA’s finding of organic matter on Red Planet
Mark Salvatore, who studies the surface of Mars, said this exciting development indicates there was life on Mars at one point in its history.
Day leads runners Running ‘Jack: All-American runner Tyler Day talks about running success (VIDEO)
Day, a junior from Gilbert, has been part of NAU’s two national champion cross-country teams and on Wednesday participated in the NCAA track championship.
Kevin Grady, Clare Aslan and Karen Haubensack NAU ecologists receive $935K USDA grant for major land restoration study
Kevin Grady, Clare Aslan and Karen Haubensack will study which plants are most fit for restoring damaged lands and capable of supporting diverse pollinator communities.
Students at community meeting Community-oriented research offers dual benefits for NAU student team, nonprofit group 
The team, comprised of undergraduate students from a variety of majors, is part of the Community and University Public Inquiry program through Sustainable Communities.
Ryan Behunin NAU scientist contributes to significant advance in silicon photonics
Ryan Behunin collaborated with a team of physicists from Yale and UT in discovering an innovative way to manipulate light in silicon. Their results were published Thursday in Science.
NAU Summer Seminar Series gives Flagstaff way to spend long summer nights
NAU Alumni Association Awards accepting nominations for 2018
NAU creating new degree programs in data science, international education
Feeling stressed? Twenty minutes of meditation could be what you need
Spotlight: Nadine Barlow  Andrew McNeill and David Trilling  Study Abroad Program in Zambia, Faith Walker and Carol Chambers  Chad Trujillo  Gabriel Montano  Paul Lenze, Jr.  Ewa Bogusz  Fransisco Villa  RANKING: Hotel and Restaurant Management program  Paul Beier, Pete Fulé, Rich Hofstetter, Yeon-Su Kim, Kristin Waring, master’s students Andika Putraditama and Dyah Puspitaloka and students Ernawati Apriani, Diny Hartiningtias, Lely Puspitasari, Thalita Christiani, Pingkan Sumampow and Shafia Zahra
Student Spotlight: Kyle Lindstrom  Madison Lenschow, Ali Alenezi, Riley Deheer, Faisel Alotaibi and Kyle Kraemer  Dylan Nicholls, Andrew DeVerse, Ra’Shae Esplin, John Castañeda, Yoseph Loyd, Raaman Nair, Robert Voinescu and astronomy professor John G. Gibbs
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