Statement from Coconino County Attorney Bill Ring

William P. Ring. Coconino County Attorney. Courtesy photo.

COCONINO COUNTY — “Coconino County, in partnership with local, state, and federal partners is actively working to minimize the spread of COVID-19 in our community. The health and safety of our residents is our top priority.

Preserving justice and public safety are critical aspects of our community response. Justice and the sense of basic fairness that we all share is what binds us together. There are hundreds of courtrooms around Arizona, from small towns to large cities, and from small counties to the Arizona Supreme Court. Included among these is the Coconino County Attorney’s Office, composed of 22 attorneys and 25 support staff. As civil servants, we serve the interests of Justice and Liberty in our communities, our County and in the State of Arizona.

In difficult times such as these, prosecutors are challenged to consider what justice and fairness require of us under the circumstances. The Governor has declared a State of Emergency and the Arizona Supreme Court and our local Superior Court have crafted Administrative Orders to provide the necessary procedures of judicial administration to protect our staff and the public, but that do not alter the meaning of Justice.

The County Attorney’s office will alter some procedures to include:

  • Reducing, for a limited time, the number of individuals coming into physical contact with the criminal justice system. Cases and interests will be addressed virtually, through all available technologies.
  • Enhancing our collaborations with law enforcement, the courts, defense counsel, probation departments, and especially the victims of crime.
  • Protecting our most vulnerable citizens.

The role of Prosecutor is an honorable one, and a critical position occupied continuously by caring people. We take public welfare seriously. We, the prosecutors of the Coconino County Attorney’s Office, wish you good health while we fulfill our public duty.”