Tag: Cecil Fire

Cecil Fire containment at 67%; area closure removed

FLAGSTAFF — Containment on the 2,180-acre lightning-caused Cecil Fire, located southwest of Flagstaff, is at 67% following yesterday’s containment and suppression repair efforts.

The Coconino National Forest has removed the emergency area closure for the Cecil Fire.

The Type 3 Incident Management Team that has been managing this fire since Sept. 28 will return the fire back to the Coconino NF this evening.

Forty-two personnel remain assigned to the Cecil Fire, including one 20-person crew, three engines and miscellaneous overhead.

Burning operations suspended on Cecil Fire, firefighters working toward containment

FLAGSTAFF — Cecil Fire managers will not resume firing operations on the 2,180-acre lightning-caused fire located southwest of Flagstaff, and have shifted to a strategy that will result in full containment as soon as possible.

The Cecil Fire is currently 0% contained and resources assigned to the Cecil Fire include four 20-person hand crews, 13 engines, a dozer, a water tender and miscellaneous overhead for a total of 147 personnel.

Fire managers for the Cecil Fire set early management objectives that included firing operations aimed at treating as much Coconino National Forest and Arizona State Trust land as possible during safe wind and weather conditions.

Firing operations paused on Cecil, Still fires in advance of weekend winds

FLAGSTAFF — Firefighters are halting firing operations on both the Cecil and Still fires in advance of forecast increased wind speeds.

Both fires have been staffed with additional firefighters who plan to spend the weekend holding and securing existing fire line.

So far, crews have successfully treated a combined 2,500 acres of Coconino National Forest land on both the Flagstaff Ranger District and the Mogollon Rim Ranger District due to both lightning-caused fires.

Land treatment removes fuels – such as dead trees and pine needle accumulation – from the forest floor to reduce the risk of high-intensity wildfire.

Both the Cecil and Still fires are being managed to reduce those hazardous fuels and improve forest health as guided by Forest Service’s 10-year Wildfire Crisis Strategy.

Firing operations continue on Cecil Fire; beginning on Still Fire

FLAGSTAFF — Following a day of successful management actions on the Cecil Fire, located southwest of Flagstaff, crews plan to continue firing operations on the Cecil while also beginning firing operations on the Still Fire, located on the Coconino National Forest’s Mogollon Rim Ranger District.

Both the Cecil and Still fires are lightning-caused wildfires being managed to reduce hazardous fuels and improve forest health as guided by Forest Service’s 10-year Wildfire Crisis Strategy.

Due to the accumulated fuels in the fire areas, both wildfires will generate significant smoke during planned firing operations.