Cecil Fire containment at 67%; area closure removed

FLAGSTAFF — Containment on the 2,180-acre lightning-caused Cecil Fire, located southwest of Flagstaff, is at 67% following yesterday’s containment and suppression repair efforts.

The Coconino National Forest has removed the emergency area closure for the Cecil Fire.

The Type 3 Incident Management Team that has been managing this fire since Sept. 28 will return the fire back to the Coconino NF this evening.

Forty-two personnel remain assigned to the Cecil Fire, including one 20-person crew, three engines and miscellaneous overhead.

Remaining personnel will be demobilized from the fire at the end of today’s shift.

The Cecil Fire treated 810 acres of Arizona State Trust land and 1,370 acres of Coconino NF land.

Land treatments – such as strategic wildfire management, planned prescribed fire projects and mechanical thinning – bolster the resiliency of the Coconino NF’s Flagstaff Ranger District by restoring it to healthy conditions that are resistant to high-intensity wildfire.

This, in turn, protects nearby communities located in the vulnerable wildland-urban interface.

The Cecil Fire is being managed by guidance issued in Forest Service’s 10-year Wildfire Crisis Strategy.

Fire will continue to burn throughout the interior of the Cecil Fire, but smoke impact will continue to lessen over time. For current information on smoke, visit the Fire and Smoke Map via airnow.gov.

The lightning-caused Cecil Fire was first reported Sept. 18.

This is the last news release that will be sent regarding the Cecil Fire. Fire information will remain accessible via InciWeb until containment reaches 100%.