United Way of Northern Arizona — Volunteers Evaluating Grant Requests

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UWNA Volunteers Evaluating Grant Requests
One of the most valuable services provided by United Way of Northern Arizona is ensuring that donations or other sources of funding go where they are needed most.

Teams of volunteers meticulously review grant applications and evaluate outcomes, so that proven programs receive the sustaining funding they need to continue the good work they are doing.

“They give of their time and their experience to review applications from agencies and ask the hard questions to make sure that these funds are invested responsibly,” said UWNA Board Member Kyla Garrison, who is Co-Chair of the Community Investment Team this year.

Right now, two UWNA volunteer groups are evaluating more than 50 requests for grants from either the Community Impact Fund or the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Earlier this year, the City of Flagstaff chose UWNA to administer $700,000 in ARPA funds on behalf of the City.

“United Way has been an excellent steward of administering public funds and has shown strong fiscal accountability,” said Stacey Brechler-Knaggs, the City’s Grants, Contracts & Emergency Management Director, who noted that UWNA has helped the City administer funds to local nonprofits in the past. Based on that successful history, she said, the City entrusted UWNA as the pass-through agency to administer the ARPA funds.

The ARPA funds will assist organizations working in Flagstaff that had an increased demand for services or suffered declines in fees or donations due to the pandemic. UWNA received ARPA grant applications for 17 programs. Seven volunteers – a mix of City staff members and members of the UWNA Board of Directors – are now reviewing the grants.

Meanwhile, almost 40 volunteers broken up into teams covering Flagstaff, Page and Northeast Arizona are evaluating 38 grant requests for UWNA Community Investment Funds for programs in Coconino, Navajo and Apache counties. These funding requests align with one or more of UWNA’s three main areas of focus: early childhood development, positive youth development, and safety and security.

UWNA Board Member Armando Ruiz is both Chair of the team reviewing the ARPA grant requests and the Co-Chair of UWNA’s Community Investment Teams, and noted the work required for both sets of grant funding are quite similar.

“This is a process UWNA knows very well, and we were able to use our experience and grant application tools to effectively evaluate programs and invest dollars into the amazing community programs that serve our residents,” he said.

In both cases, programs are scored using a rubric, then proposed funding recommendations will ultimately be voted on by the UWNA Board of Directors. In the case of ARPA funding, award letters will be delivered to organizations in May, while Community Invest Fund grants will be awarded in June.

Step Up for Our Community – Donate Today

Be part of the movement that is continuing to make positive, lasting changes in Coconino, Navajo and Apache counties by donating today to the United Way of Northern Arizona.

When you give to UWNA, your dollars stay right here in northern Arizona and used to support proven programs benefiting the people you know in the community you love.

Together, we can improve early childhood development, encourage positive youth development, and help provide safety and securityto our neighbors in times of need or during emergencies. Please give and Step Up for Our Community today.


1515 E. Cedar Ave. Suite D-1 Flagstaff, AZ 86004

928-773-9813 nazunitedway.org

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