Was there a 2021 Festival of Science Event you missed? Don’t Worry! We have a YouTube Channel!

Was there a 2021 Festival of Science Event you missed? Don’t Worry! We have a YouTube Channel!

With nearly 100 free and exciting events this year in the Festival of Science, it can be hard to make it to all of the ones you want to go to! But, don’t let this stop you from engaging in the Flagstaff science community all year round, and catching up on the events you missed.

The Flagstaff Festival of Science has a YouTube Channel!

Here, you can find recorded webinars from online events, this year’s Keynote presentation, interactive DIY science videos, and lots of content from past years from the Festival of Science!

Click the button below to check out the amazing content available all year round!

Our YouTube Page is a wonderful resource for families and individuals wanting to engage in science and the community!

Check out some highlights here:

Keynote Presentation with Dr. Awe

Global Volcanism Update

Reading the Rocks of Mars

The Science of Childhood Trauma

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