Arizona Gives Day — Sedona Arts Center

Sedona Arts Center

Arizona Gives Day, 2024

Arizona Gives Day is TODAY!

Arizona Gives Day is an annual giving movement uniting nonprofits, big and small, new and established, to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Arizona through online giving. The event helps raise awareness about the critical role Arizona nonprofits play in our communities and inspires people to give generously creating a thriving and stronger Arizona for all.

Thanks to a generous donor, we have a donor match of $5000!

Make YOUR Arizona Gives Day donation NOW at

Or call Sedona Arts Center at 928-282-3809
and we’ll help you set up a contribution.

“The arts are a $13.5 million industry here in Sedona providing jobs and attracting cultural tourists who spend more and stay longer than the average tourist. According to the recently completed Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 study which was led by Sedona Arts Center, our tourists rank 2nd in spending among all 373 study regions in the US.

The arts add so much to our quality of life, and yet, we still struggle to support our programs, exhibits, events and school.  Please consider supporting Sedona Arts Center this AZ Gives Day with a generous investment in our work.  Thank you.”

– Julie Richard, CEO

Pledge a gift to the Arts Center for Arizona Gives Day, and your contribution will help expand our arts education programs and creative development opportunities!
Your donation ensures that the Arts Center gallery stays open, supporting over 95 Northern Arizona painters, sculptors, craft and traditional artists, and visual communicators.
A pledge for Arizona Gives Day helps enhance the creative development opportunities in our community, like Gallery 928, a unique art apprenticeship program for teens ages 15 to 18. Based on Chicago’s infamous Gallery 37 summer public art program started in the 1980s, students will be hired to apprentice with a master artist to create a public art mural for the Sedona Arts Center.
Your gift will continue the Arts Center’s long tradition of training ceramics artists of all ages almost every day of the year!
Pledge a contribution to honor your favorite arts educator, mentor, or creative inspiration. One of ours is Dennis Ott, head of the Arts Center’s Ceramics Program.
Our members and patrons help Sedona Arts Center build community, and bring people together around art, ideas, conversations, great meals, and great events! Like this bronze casting event—where patrons were able to see the process from sculpting, to casting, to pouring molten bronze!

About Sedona Arts Center

Inspired by the natural beauty of Sedona, Egyptian sculptor, Nassan Gobran and a group of local visionaries recognized the need for a place where artists could work, teach, and learn together. In 1958, they established Sedona’s first art center, “Canyon Kiva.” They purchased the old Jordan Apple Packing Barn, now known as the Art Barn, which quickly became the community’s creative and social hub.

During the early 60s Sedona was rich with artists, city refugees, and entrepreneurs who foresaw the area’s potential and participated in its development. Through all the dramatic growth and demographic changes, the Arts Center remained one of the cultural constants, even though it experienced its own series of changes.

In 1961, the name was changed to Sedona Arts Center and officially re-opened with a celebration attended by 300 guests. 1994 was a year of expansion with the addition of a new building to house an art gallery, classroom space, and the community theatre, which was founded in 1970. In 2001 the mission was redefined to focus primarily on education through the School of the Arts and gallery exhibitions of the visual arts. The School of the Arts has become a catalyst for creative development for students of all ages, from the very young through the golden years of life.

In 2021, the Arts Center began a new phase in its developement. Emerging out of a worldwide pandemic, a new vision, mission, and strategic plan maintains our commitment to the arts education, but expands our role in the community, region, and nation as a leader in the arts development. The completion of a Campus Master Plan in 2023 is focusing attention on long-neglected facilities while improving an enviroment where artists can flourish.

Today the Sedona Arts Center is a rich legacy of the founders’ vision. As one of Northern Arizona’s oldest 501(c) 3 nonprofit organizations it continues to be a gathering place where artists and the community can gather and celebrate all that Sedona has to offer.

Even if you can’t consider a contribution this time: join us in thanking all of the wonderful arts educators around us, the unique creative people who nurture our lives and bring endless inspiration to the Arts Center and the community we share. We were founded over 65 years ago by that very same spirit—and our staff, board, and volunteers work every day to continue and expand Sedona’s creative legacy. Thank you for being a part of the Arts Center’s past, present, and future!
Copyright © 2024 Sedona Arts Center, All rights reserved.