NAU presents Week 3 of Immigration Awareness Month

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FLAGSTAFF — Week three of ‘Immigration Awareness Month’ began with the student presentation on ‘Experiences at the Border’ on April 14, 2014 at Northern Arizona University. Scheduled speakers included Sara Larsen, Sarah Salmon, Valeria Urquiza and Mollie Muchna, who have been to and conducted research at the border.

The discussion included information on the impact of the border wall on migration patterns of animals and its impact on endangered species, the environmental impact of migrants crossing the border, a discussion of opponents of the border wall and the impact of media coverage of immigration policy.

Immigration Awareness Month continued on April 17, 2014 with the presentation of the documentary “Two Americans” at NAU. Following the presentation, members of the Figueroa family and Valeria Fernández, filmmaker and journalist, discussed the film which focused on the family and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

The film by Daniel DeVivo and Fernández documents the aftermath of a immigration sweep by Maricopa Sheriff deputies on a carwash in Phoenix, which resulted in the incarceration of parents of Katherine Figueroa, who took her message of immigration reform to the U.S. Congress.

Her parents were eventually released by ICE but the family said they still live on the fear that other family members could suffer the same fate.

For more information on the film, visit

Immigration Awareness Month was presented by NAU’s Latin American Studies, the NAU Chapter of  No More Deaths / No Más Muertes, NAU MEChA, the Olson Scholars, AmigosNAZ and the Student Activities Council. Visit or click here for more information.