NAU students present inaugural Día de los Muertos celebration at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church & Cultural Center


FLAGSTAFF — With dancers from Ballet Folklorico de Colores de Flagstaff, music by Mariachi de NAU and a surprise procession to conclude the evening, student club members from Northern Arizona University celebrated their inaugural Día de los Muertos / Day of the Dead Celebration on Nov. 2 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church & Cultural Center (The Basement).

The celebration was presented by NAU Hermanas for Change, NAU MEChA, Latino Outdoors, NAU FirstJacks and NAU LaFe, with the support of the Coconino Hispanic Advisory Council (CHAC) and Flagstaff Nuestras Raíces.

The event include a display of nearly a half dozen altars, a community altar where the public left notes to their dearly departed loved ones, a dance and music performance, food, arts and crafts tables and games for children including a piñata.

The celebration also included visitors from two other Day of the Dead events in Flagstaff, a program presented earlier in the day by the NAU Arts and Cultural Association at the NAU Student Union, which included a performance by Mariachi de NAU, and participants of the 4th annual Day of the Dead Procession, led by artist Emma Gardner, which began at the Dark Sky Brewing Co.


Photos by Frank X. Moraga ©2016 AmigosNAZ

Also see:

Arizona Daily Sun: Dia de los Muertos in Flagstaff